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  • Writer's picturejoseph retcho

Are Fences Covered In Home Insurance?

fence in front of house

If the damage was caused by a covered cause of loss, your homeowners insurance will most likely cover it. This could include a storm, a fire, or vandalism. However, if the damage is the result of normal wear and tear or a lack of maintenance, it is unlikely to be covered.

Fences are commonly damaged in the following ways:

Fences can be damaged in a variety of ways, including weather, accidents, vandalism, and general wear and tear. Here are a few examples:

  • Stormy weather, which may include hail or lightning storms

  • A fire on your property or the property of a neighbor

  • Vandalism

  • Wood rot, termite damage, rust, and long-term wear and tear (which homeowners insurance does not cover)

If a tree from your neighbor falls on your fence

If a tree on your neighbor's property, or some of its limbs, falls on your fence and damages it, you may be unsure how to proceed. If your neighbor's tree or branches fall and damage your fence as a result of a storm, high winds, heavy rain, or snow, your fence is most likely covered by your own home insurance.

If your neighbor's tree became ill or was damaged, your insurance would usually cover the costs. If your neighbor was cutting down a tree and it damaged your fence, you might want to file a claim against his or her insurance. If you file a claim under your own homeowners policy in either case, your insurer may seek recovery from your neighbor on your behalf.

If Your Tree Breaks Through Your Neighbor's Fence

In most cases, if your tree falls onto your neighbor's fence and causes damage, your neighbor's insurance policy will cover it.

While trees in your yard can provide shade and other environmental and aesthetic benefits, they can also pose safety risks to your home or your neighbor's property if they are not properly maintained. During a storm, trees can pose a particularly serious threat.

How Much Fence Damage Is Covered by Homeowners Insurance?

Fences are generally classified as other structures and are insured for up to 10% of your home's coverage limit. Most insurance companies depreciate the cost of repairing or replacing a fence, and your deductible will be applied.

Making a Claim on Your Homeowners Insurance for Fence Damage

If your fence has been significantly damaged by a storm, a fallen tree, or another covered loss, contact your insurance agent or insurance company as soon as possible to discuss your situation and determine whether filing a claim makes sense.

If you decide to file a claim, your claim representative will guide you through the process. They may request receipts from your fence installation as well as photographs of the damage.

Contact your local insurance agent to determine whether your homeowners policy provides adequate coverage or to discuss your options.

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